
Program Development

On this page, you will find a breakdown of some programs Dr Mike has worked on in a lead capacity.


FoodLab was a program developed at the Whittlesea Tech School to integrate a number of major themes into the local context. Primarily built around food innovation and product design, students also have to consider the environmental and ethical impacts of their design. This two-day program was supported by Costa Mushrooms as a major industry partner and added the additional challenge of converting a waste product stream into a consumer product.

The program is available through the Whittlesea Tech School at

Mighty Materials-Exhibition Design

During his time with the Shell Questacon Science Circus, Dr Mike worked on an exhibition project as a part of the Masters at ANU. This project resulted in Mighty Materials, an exhibition investigating various material properties using immersive and engaging exhibits. Each exhibit is designed to focus on a single aspect of materials science.

STEM arcade

STEM arcade was billed as a two-day program for groups of 20-3 students. Over the course of day 1 student work to develop a game based around a core STEM concept. To do this they would focus on the “core gameplay loop” as a demo (e.g. using the water cycle as a game to collect falling water).

The group then splits up so that each can engage with a specific component of the game design process; making the game, developing a custom controller, and designing the unique cabinet to house it. This allowed for each participant to collaborate while using different software and getting a broad exposure as a group to TinkerCAD, Make Code Arcade, Circuit Playground, and Adobe Illustrator. At the end of the program, participants would then show off their full design at a game expo.

The program is available through the Whittlesea Tech School

Rural and Regional Game Jam 2020

Run in conjunction with The Lab, this program was an adaptation of STEM arcade for remote learning and participants with low or zero support Autism or Asperger’s. Participants built a game in Make Code arcade, designed a case in TinkerCAD for a PyGamer, and created their own packaging to be made on a laser cutter.

The program is viewable through the Whittlesea Tech School and the game gallery can be viewed here.

Rosetta Tomorrow- Science Week 2020

The program is available through the Whittlesea Tech School

Environmental Design

Environmental Design was a 3-day program created at the Casey Tech School for students to create an immersive 3D VR replication of a local environment, and then utilise CAD to plan their ideal redevelopment. Tools include Unreal Engine, topological mapping with vector fields, and Fusion360.

STEAMpunk- Gears and Cogs

The program is available through the Whittlesea Tech School